We're C.L.O.D.S!

Yes folks, we're swallowed the anchor for a while and are now CLODS (Cruisers Living on Dirt)! We stopped in Vero Beach, FL around Thanksgiving in 2007 enroute to the Bahamas and were very impressed with the community. In 2008 our friends, Jim & Nancy, told us about the real estate situation in FL and that they had bought a condo. Diane & I had oft discussed where we would want to live when "the day" came. We were also pretty sure that "the day" was still years off. Well, guess again! We found a very nice (we think) 3/2.5 condo/townhouse with a 2 car garage (Jay's gotta have a garage). We closed in November 2008, moved a few things from TX (when I say few, I mean few as we had sold almost everything prior to moving aboard!) We visited the Bahamas for just 2 months this year and now, for the first time in nearly 5 years, Far Niente is on the hard, lashed down and prepped for hurricane season here.
I'll try to udate a few things in the weeks ahead.